Contributor: Brittany Iverson
Medical cannabis is legal in many states, and many more are considering legalizing cannabis for medical use. It is important to note that not all states have approved legislation yet. This means that people want to try medical marijuana but do not know how to get a medical card.
A medical marijuana card can be issued to any person with a debilitating or chronic disease. Once you get hold of the card, you will receive medical cannabis at your disposal.
If you suffer from any medical conditions, you can get your medical marijuana card in 2021. The process differs in each state, but you must visit your nearest dispensary to fill out an application, pay a fee and submit the application within the given time limit. To learn more about this, keep reading.
What is a Medical Marijuana Card?
A medical marijuana card is a piece of identification that holds legal value. It certifies that you are suffering from a severe or life-threatening medical condition and that you are legally eligible to use marijuana for medicinal purposes.
Each state has its requirements for qualifying for a medical marijuana card. A doctor must prescribe the amount and sometimes the types of marijuana that a patient can purchase.
Once you have your doctor’s recommendation, then you’ll have to apply for a medical marijuana card. Be prepared for this step of the process to take a considerable amount of time. When you get your card, then you’re set to go out and purchase your medicine.
Understand the marijuana laws in your state
Although marijuana is illegal at the federal level, nearly 30 states have legalized its controlled use for medical purposes. A medical marijuana card is the first step in legally obtaining medical marijuana. Acquiring a card indicates that you meet the requirements for use and will exempt you from any prosecution as long as you follow the guidelines of your state’s law.
A reputable doctor will typically include all of the information necessary to determine this on your application, such as details about your diagnosis and whether you qualify under your state’s laws. Once approved, you will be given a unique identifier that proves your eligibility to use therapeutic marijuana.
Find out if you are eligible for a card
A growing number of states are passing laws that allow the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. Some conditions that can be treated with medical marijuana include cancer, glaucoma, HIV/AIDS, nausea, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, chronic pain, depression, and other ailments. However, not all are eligible for a card.
Some states have a very lenient medical cannabis policy. In Arizona, for example, if your disease is severe enough to cause pain, nausea, or vomiting, you will be eligible for medicinal marijuana. The Arizona Medical Marijuana Program covers more than 20 conditions. These are certain specific medical conditions that are recognized as being of sufficient importance to qualify for the use of marijuana as a form of treatment.
Get the necessary documents
To be eligible for a medical marijuana card, you need to get a recommendation from a licensed physician. In some states, a complete application form is required for obtaining a marijuana card. You must fill a patient attestation form and sign it. The card will have a unique card number along with a photo of the individual and contact details.
Apply for a recommendation from a doctor
Once you’ve found a doctor near you, the process to get a medical marijuana card is simple. Just call your doctor’s office and tell them you would like to schedule an appointment for a cannabis recommendation. You can also ask them whether they accept cash or check and what types of patients they serve.
Many states have a list of marijuana recommending doctors, so you can confirm if anyone in your state is currently open for recommendations. Doctors can recommend medical cannabis once you have a patient-physician relationship, meaning they know you and your history.