Sunnyside Dispensary

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Flower to the People
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Now this looks like a quality dispensary, folks.  

It’s hard to put my finger on exactly why I feel such a high level of confidence in this place from the start, but I just do. If I had to venture any guess as to why that is the case, I’d say it has everything to do with their namesake, and striking brand-like aesthetic. Right off the bat, they seem like an established name in Chicago cannabis, and it’s almost as if they know it.

They don’t need to go with a mundane title as a desperate attempt to entice the average cannabis customer into their dispensary. Quite the contrary, actually. They took an off-beat, but recognizable approach to their branding efforts, and I must say, they are hitting on all cylinders.

Think about it.

In today’s day and age of super-high levels of competition, especially in the cannabis industry, the main goal is to set yourself apart from the pack, in one way or another. And, like I alluded to above, they didn’t go with the standard “Green This” or “420 That,” they decided to re-emphasize, and in a way, re-coin a phrase that many mellow cannabis enthusiasts have been employing as a lifestyle for decades.

That phrase, of course, is “…seeing the Sunnyside of things.” 

Think about things in a more optimistic, upbeat way, and your mood is guaranteed to be boosted out from whatever doldrums it was residing in. Much like how marijuana can help one with depression and whatnot.

Also, in a move that I consider to be pure genius, they went ahead and threw in an asterix, to serve as grammatically-inspired sun, thus proving their worth from the jump even more so to the curious cannabis consumer. 

I mean, seriously, I can’t get enough of this logo choice, people. It evokes a level of professionalism and brand awareness that only the “big dogs” in the cannabis industry are able to obtain.

So, needless to say, I was beyond pumped to check this place out, in order to see if they could live up this monstrous level of pre-established hype. But, seeing as how things are going so great up to this point, I’m confident that everything is going to work out swimmingly in my favor.

Flower To The People Dispensary

Before I go out of my way to visit a location, I always check out what they have to offer, as far as an official website is concerned. The same way I check out a restaurant’s online menu to see what I may want ahead of time, I head on over to a cannabis club’s homepage, just to see if I can get a better feel for their overall “vibe,” so to speak. 

After bypassing a legally-required age verification window, in which you also designate yourself as either a “medical” or “adult-use” customer, you are then taken to their landing page, which is but a mere stepping stone to their online menu. But, before I got lost in, what I was hoping to be, a sea of cannabis options, I wanted to learn a little more about this place, via their “About Us” link located at the footer of their page.

Upon clicking into this informative section, I was met with a self-written blurb about their business model. 

To quote them, it reads, “We’re here to shed light on the often confusing world of cannabis. Because we believe that this incredible plant holds the potential to not only help relieve chronic medical issues, but also be a part of one’s everyday wellness routine. No matter what effect you’re after, we are dedicated to helping you unlock all the benefits the cannabis plant can provide.”

Say no more, Sunnyside, I’m ready to shop! Let’s head on over to their menu, shall we?

When their online storefront loaded up, I was met with an array of all their available products at once. Of which, there are 63, which is absolutely nothing to sneeze at. Although, there are other establishments in the city that can boast menus full of hundreds of cannabis-related items. 

But, just as often, you can run into establishments that don’t even have 20 things to pick from. So, when you see a number like “63” you aren’t put-off, you’re intrigued to see if you can find something you like in that unique amount of products.

Upon further inspection, I realized they only had 7 types of flower to choose from, and they were all from the same producer. So, that was a bit of a bummer. But, moving on into their other categories, like vapes and edibles, I was happy to see a bit more options to choose from. 

However, if you are coming here looking for a concentrate, I’m sorry, but they only have a couple choices. So, perhaps you’re better off taking those dabbing needs somewhere else, but other than that, I’d say this menu is adequate.

After a thorough analysis of their categories of cannabis, I’d say that the average price falls somewhere near the “Middle-to-Pricey” point on the financial spectrum. But, all of their products appear to be of the highest quality, so you get what you pay for, in a sense. However, a few more budget-friendly options (besides pre-rolls) would’ve been a welcomed sight to see. 

That said, I wasn’t entirely upset at their prices, I just wish there was a bit of a “bargain bin” to pick from, but beggars can’t be choosers, I suppose. Oh well, perhaps in the future. But, for the time being, expect to pay a little more than normal at this place.

Sunnyside won me over from the start. 

They almost let me down, however, with their scant amount of flowers to pick from, but after some diligent shopping, I was able to pick up a few items that ended up being incredible

I love their entire business model, from top to bottom, and in the matter of one trip they were able to consider me a “lifelong customer.” They really are that damn good, in my opinion. So, give them a shot the next time you need to replenish your supply, you’ll be happy that you did – I guarantee it.




3812 N Clark St., Chicago, IL 60613

Phone Number

(773) 820-7280


10 am – 7 pm, 7 days a week

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3812 N Clark St, Chicago, IL 60613

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